Air Conditioning

Airconditioning Tips For Everyone

The heat of Summer is here, and your Air Conditioner will be working overtime. Here are some easy tips to help you save money and keep your home cool:

If you follow these simple tips, it can take the load off of your AC, making it much more efficient and reducing your energy costs.

Set Your Thermostat Correctly

If your thermostat’s settings seem to change randomly, this could indicate a problem with the device. If you have a digital or smart thermostat, check its user manual to see how to recalibrate it. Also, make sure the thermostat is located where it can operate correctly. The ideal location is on an interior wall, away from drafts, sunlight, doorways, skylights, and windows. This will allow natural room air currents-warm air rising, cool air sinking-to reach it easily. You may want to consult a professional to relocate your thermostat to achieve the best results.

During hot summer months, lowering your home’s temperature while you are at work and sleeping at night can save you significant amounts of energy. The Department of Energy recommends setting the “away” and “sleep” temperatures 7 to 10 degrees lower than the “home” temperature, depending on the season.

In the same way, raising your home’s temperature while you are at home and awake during the day can save you a significant amount of money on your energy bill. However, you should be aware that you will need to wear extra clothes and blankets to feel comfortable at these warmer temperatures.

Before you start programming your programmable thermostat, take note of your family’s schedule for the weekdays and weekend. Make a list of the times your family typically wakes up, leaves, returns home, and goes to sleep each day. Then use the arrow buttons on your thermostat to set these time periods to match your daily routines.

In addition to time, you will need to set the date on your programmable thermostat as well. All programmable thermostats will have a button that reads “set” or possibly “day/time.” Press this button to display the clock and use the up and down arrows to set the desired time and date. If you are using an older mechanical thermostat, you will need to rotate a screw on the back of the unit to adjust the clock and date. The time and date will need to be adjusted every time the power is restored.

Seal Leaks

Air leaks around windows and doors and poorly sealed crawl spaces can rob your AC system of a lot of its efficiency. These small holes and crevices allow hot and cold air to escape, wasting energy. Keeping the attic floor well insulated with fiberglass or injection foam will also help put less strain on your air conditioner.

You can seal these leaks with caulk or weather stripping, or by using a foam sealant. Some of these products can even be painted. For bigger leaks, it is usually best to replace the door or window.

Another way to save energy is to turn on the fan instead of lowering the thermostat when you feel hot. Fans can circulate the cool air more effectively and use a fraction of the energy that running the AC does. Another easy fix is to change the filter regularly. Dirty filters add resistance and block airflow to the evaporator coil, which leads to water leakage. Lastly, make sure the condensate drain line is not blocked. This is a common problem, but fortunately it’s an easy fix. It’s just a matter of cleaning out the debris and removing any dirt that accumulates on the pipe over time.

Keep Doors and Windows Closed

Many people open their windows on sunny days to let in a breeze, but this isn’t the best way to cool a house. The breeze is actually bringing in hot air and causing the AC to work harder. Instead, use fans to move the cooler air around your home and close the windows during the day when the sun is shining in.

You should also keep the vents closed in rooms that aren’t used often to prevent wasting energy by forcing the air conditioner to work on them. It takes longer for these spaces to be cooled, which causes your air conditioner to stay on for longer periods of time and wastes energy. You can close the vents by closing the doors to these rooms or by installing air conditioning vent covers.

When you do want to open your windows, you should do so early in the morning or at night when it is cooler outside. According to nidirect, this will help you cool your home without wasting energy by keeping the cooler air in your house and pushing out the warm air.

In addition to this, you should try to shade the areas of your house that get the most direct sunlight during the day. This is especially important on east- and west-facing walls because these are typically the hottest areas of the house. You can use window coverings or even spread out kitchen foil to reflect the sun’s rays.

In addition to these strategies, you should be sure to caulk any leaks in your windows and doors. This is a simple task that can make a big difference in your energy bills. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, a professional can do it for you. They can also recommend more permanent solutions, like replacing your old doors with double-pane windows. Using these tips will ensure that your air conditioner is working at its most efficient level all summer long. It will help to cut your energy costs and ensure that you don’t overwork your system. This will help you save money all year round.

Turn Off the Lights

When you turn on the lights in a room, the bulbs generate heat that forces your air conditioner to work harder to cool your home. Keeping the lights off when you’re not in a room will make your AC more efficient and save energy.

Keeping the doors and windows closed is also key to saving energy. Every time you open a door or crack a window, conditioned air is leaking out and hot outdoor air is coming in. The AC is then forced to run constantly to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, which wastes energy and adds up on your bill.

Another way to cut your air conditioning costs is to tint your windows. The tint acts as a barrier between your interior and the hot outside sun, tempering its effects on your home’s temperature. This will allow you to keep your thermostat set a degree or two higher, which will also help reduce your energy bills.

It’s also important to clean your air conditioner regularly, especially the fins on the back coil. The fins are prone to becoming bent and can cause your AC to work harder than it should. To prevent this from happening, it’s a good idea to wash your air conditioner with a mixture of warm water and dish soap at least once per year.

Other things that can cause your air conditioning to stop working include using too many appliances at the same time, a capacitor problem or a circuit breaker problem. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, contact a professional for help.